Sunday, July 17, 2011

It's all good...even the bad is good..

I have this sign hanging in my kitchen so it must be true!  I started using this phrase when I lived in Lakeland, Florida.  It began to have meaning when I realized I didn't have a lot of control over things around me but that Someone else did...hence the rest of the phrase 'even the bad is good'. I realized that even when things may not be going the way I clearly thought they should be, it was still good because I was certain to experience growth in my own life if I learned to let go.  There, that being explained, let me tell you why I decided to start this blog.

Last week, I worked out at a gym for the first time in years, well, if we are being honest, it has been since 'Jazzercise' was the big thing..remember that?  And that was a long, long time ago.  I have to admit, I enjoyed the challange.  Day one, I thought I would never be able to do anything but would humor my sweet second daughter, Sarah, and go.  Not only did I walk through the door, but also had an hour with a personal trainer.  The sweat poured but I made it! I left, took two Aleve and arrived at my home to excitingly explain my evening. 

Day two arrived...Sarah and I were just going to walk on the treadmill or ellipitical but the trainer didn't have anything to do and decided he would work with us again.  How kind of him!  I bragged how I wasn't quite as sore as I thought I would be.  He just smiled and commented how good that was.  Then he said maybe the third day would be different.  And he was correct.  I was up to three Aleve by then and making that 'oo' sound everytime I stood up!  But you know what, I went back.  For the past week, I have walked, stepped, and treaded on the machinery for at least 30 mins. 

I began to share on my facebook post how I was doing and within the week and over the weekend, several people commented how they enjoyed reading my status updates; how it had encouraged them.  An old friend from high school who lives in another state said that she started to work out too and felt like she had a kindred spirit back home.  Pretty cool.  That is when my husband suggested this blog.
He knows I much I love the 'Julia & Julia' movie.  It's about the girl who blogged her year long quest to cook through Julia Childs cookbook and he thought it might be a good idea to blog my workout experiences.  I could not decide if he just didn't want to hear about it everyday or if he really thought someone else might be encouraged by reading my victories and my trials.  So, I thought I would see for myself!

Now, what else you must know is that I am a 5'6'', 46 yr old woman, I weigh 201, historically been diagnosed with asthma that I treat with inhaled steroids, high blood pressure and ADD.  I also struggle with an issue that most females that have had children struggle with, urge incontinence.  I am not ashamed of any of these statistics of myself  as they are just the facts.  I will also be happy to share that I eat for comfort when the stress level gets high, and that when I look in the mirror, I don't see what is really there because I guess I never really like that person!  It has been a long journey towards loving myself but I am getting closer everyday.  And I am alot closer than I was several years ago!

The scoop is this...beginning July 18th, I will be joining the gym and beginning a new journey in my life.  I am making a 6 month commitment to exercise and work with someone who is going to help me with the right exercises for my body.  I will be sharing my ups and downs thoughts on what is happening,  the physical facts on how my actual weight and inches are doing and whatever is going on that day...because, no matter what happens tomorrow, one week from now, one month from now, six months from now, ITS ALL GOOD!


  1. It really is all good! I heard a sermon that unpacked that statement last year and it was truly perspective changing! You go girl! I am cheering for you:)

  2. Journaling this adventure will be worth it's "weight" in gold! You are such a gifted writer...just reading this brings so many memories of your wonderful full of love and enthusiasm! Your energy is very contagious and I am so glad I caught it! I got the Vesta Virus and it is all good! Love you friend! Rock on Sister!
